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Automating Compliance Checks: Making DevOps More Secure

Written by Mike Hogan
January 24, 2023

Security is a top priority for any organization, especially those implementing DevOps. While many organizations rely on manual processes to ensure their systems comply with industry standards and regulations, this approach can be inefficient and costly. Automation can be invaluable in maintaining compliance, allowing teams to manage multiple checks over large codebases more accurately and quickly. This blog post will discuss why automating compliance checks is so important, how it works, and what benefits it provides.

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Written by Mike Hogan
Published on Jan 24, 2023
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Security is a top priority for any organization, especially those implementing DevOps. While many organizations rely on manual processes to ensure their systems comply with industry standards and regulations, this approach can be inefficient and costly. Automation can be invaluable in maintaining compliance, allowing teams to manage multiple checks over large codebases more accurately and quickly. This blog post will discuss why automating compliance checks is so important, how it works, and what benefits it provides.

Why Automated Compliance Checks?

Organizations need to ensure that their systems are secure and compliant at all times. To do so, they must continuously monitor their systems for potential security issues and ensure that the proper controls are in place to protect them from threats. Manual processes can often make this task labor-intensive and time-consuming, making automation an attractive option for speeding up the process while ensuring accuracy. Automated compliance checks can help teams save time by running periodic scans without requiring manual intervention. This allows teams to focus on other tasks while still making sure that their systems remain compliant with industry standards and regulations at all times. Additionally, automated compliance checks provide more accurate results than manual processes due to the need for more human error.

How Do Automated Compliance Checks Work?

Automated compliance checks use scripts or software programs to scan a system for potential vulnerabilities or security issues periodically. These scans can be scheduled at regular intervals or triggered when changes occur to make sure that any new issues are identified quickly before they become major problems. 

The results of these scans are then monitored and reported back to the team or organization so they can take action if necessary. The type of scan performed depends on the environment in which it is being run as well as the requirements set forth by industry standards or regulatory bodies. 

For instance, some scans may look for outdated software versions, while others might check for unauthorized access attempts or network traffic anomalies. Whatever the case may be, automated compliance checks enable teams to keep track of their systems without needing constant supervision or manual intervention.

Benefits of Using Automation for Compliance Checks

Using automation for compliance checks brings many advantages to organizations implementing DevOps:

  • Efficiency: With automated testing tools, companies can check their system’s many facets quickly and accurately without needing personnel dedicated solely to testing and auditing tasks.
  • Cost Savings: Manual approaches require more personnel hours than automated ones, leading companies to save money by taking an automated approach.
  • Improved Security: Automated testing tools provide more accurate results due to less human error involved than with manual processes; as such, these tools allow organizations better insight into potential vulnerabilities within their systems.
  • Faster Detection of Problems: As automated tests often run at predetermined points in time (or when certain changes have occurred), companies have quicker detection of any problems present.

As seen above, automation is essential for continuous compliance checks in today’s digital world, where cybercrime is rapidly growing daily. Companies must stay ahead of any threats or vulnerabilities present within their systems to remain safe from attack; automating these tests makes detecting such irregularities easier while simultaneously saving resources due to increased efficiency gained through such methods.

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